VPN Connect Client

Please note that only individuals with specific needs to access restricted applications such as Colleague, Control Panel, Perceptive Content or Terminal Server; or have a need to have read-write access to the campus shared drives (U, V & P drives) should be using the VPN service. This is due to service and volume limitations. If you do not require direct access we recommend that you use your campus Google Drive.

The virtual private network (VPN) provides a secure connection to the Cal Lutheran campus from any computer that has an Internet connection.  The VPN is available to faculty, administrators and staff.  VPN will give the user the ability to access the protected network, U and V drives, Colleague and software that requires network licensing; as if they were physically located on the Cal Lutheran campus.

To install the VPN application click on the appropriate installation file, then follow the instructions in the PDF file below. 

Mac Installation

Windows 64 Bit Installation  (preferred)

Windows 32 Bit Installation

Follow these  instructions to access the Cal Lutheran VPN

PDF Instructions