EndNote provides CLU with a license to use the software on our campus and to allow copies to be installed on designated faculty, staff and student computers. To enable optimal support for CLU users, ITS provides one copy of the software to faculty, staff, and graduate students with the following provisions:
EndNote must be used for CLU-related business, graduate work pursued at CLU and/or publishing activities related to CLU employment or CLU graduate studies.
One copy can be installed on a personal laptop for purposes outlined above.
EndNote software users are prohibited from distributing the software to anyone else.
Cal Lutheran will not be responsible for any potential data corruption your computer resulting from the installation of this software
You understand and agree that the EndNote software is licensed to Cal Lutheran; You will solely be responsible for the removal of EndNote software from your computer once you are no longer affiliated with Cal Lutheran.
Downloading EndNote
Click here for EndNote guidance.
Click here to download EndNote. Please note that you will be asked to sign-in with your CLU username and password.