Strong Password
- The first and foremost line of account defense is a strong password.
- No shorter than 8 characters in length and a combination of both letters, numbers and symbols.
- A stronger password does not contain common dictionary words.
- Reset your password at any time by going to
- Password Protection
- Never send passwords or other sensitive information through email communication.
- For example, if writing to the Help Desk, do not send your password or other private information.
- In the event of a password issue (e.g., forgot password, need to reset the password, etc.), please call into the Help Desk rather than send an email.
- Caution!
- ISS will never send out emails asking you for your account information or password.
- If you do receive a suspicious email of this nature, it is more than likely phishing (scam) email; do not respond to it or you can forward to